Harbourside bars & dining from 6pm. Film starts approx. 8:30pm
We’re thrilled to welcome Paul Hogan to the red carpet on the harbour, in front of the bridge he once worked on, as he and others of the original film makers gather to celebrate and introduce the premiere digital restoration screening of this Australian epic.
Nigh on 40 years ago the story of rugged hunter Michael J. “Crocodile” Dundee charmed the world. In the interceding years the film has lost none of that charm, and in some respects it has grown. The story is essentially a timeless romantic comedy. A man who has never journeyed beyond the outback travels to Manhattan in pursuit of the New York journalist he has fallen in love with. Just as she was a fish out of water in the outback, so too is he in Manhattan. His bigger journey though is to learn how to tell her how he feels about her.